John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
Most of what we call love, is not love at all; according to what God calls love. When a gentleman says he loves a lady, most often than not she fits into his definition of beauty. He is probably crazy about the lady’s shape or some attractive features she possesses which he likes. Is that not selfish? The ladies are not exempted – mostly she is accessing what she stands to benefit by saying yes to that gentleman or the other. Self-Interest. You are not looking at the other person’s interest but yours.
Let me ask you this. If that lady got burnt and lost her beauty through some accident, will you still stick with her? Ahaa. No wonder most guys start cheating because he got another lady with better features, etc. Likewise, have we not seen ladies who dump their spouses because he lost his job and no longer has money? Maybe you are better and you won’t do that. But will you stick with that guy if he lost his legs and you have to carry him in a wheel chair everyday? Please don’t say God forbid..Lol.
I am just trying to make you see that when man says love, it’s actually Self-Interest and self-benefit they are talking about. THAT’S NOT LOVE ACCORDING TO GOD’S DEFINITION OF LOVE. To do better, you will need something more from God because True love can only be understood in God and that is what Jesus Christ came to show us. Meditate on that. Praise God Forevermore!