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Tuesday, August 08

2 Peter 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

A lot of the problems of the saints is not because of the devil; it’s because we lack the knowledge we ought to have. We don’t know

WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN CHRIST so we live on beggarly even though we are supposed to reign as kings.

And as a result, we perish and struggle because we are ignorant of what we have. We cry and whine but the father cannot do anything about the cry because he had already done something about it. In fact God looks at us and is surprised why we are struggling with those things he has already supplied us.

There is no point in crying to God, especially over what He has said you have been given. We think it’s humility to come crying and begging God, but sometimes it’s actually irritating to the Father.

Imagine you have a little boy who has asked you for a new shoe for the new academic term which begins next 2 weeks. And you assured him that you have bought new shoes for him. In fact, before he asked, you already knew that your son needs a new pair of shoes and have already ordered and paid for one for him, which arrives in a couple of days. Because your boy doesn’t see the shoes, he comes to you everyday asking the same thing and crying over it. “Mummy please I need new shoes. Please mummy”. After sometime, these requests and cries become irritating because you have already made provisions for his new shoe. He needs to stop crying and begging for what you have already made provisions for.

Apostle Peter tells us, GOD HAS GIVEN YOU ALL THINGS YOU NEED FOR A GOOD LIFE AND A GODLY LIFE. You need to believe this and start praising and thanking Him for it, even if you are not seeing the physical substance yet. Hallelujah! You have been blessed with a blessing, beloved.

                   GRACEFUL MORNING

52160cookie-checkTuesday, August 08
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