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Written by Helen Nicol

The reality of your life is in your thoughts. Our thoughts influence our beliefs, and ultimately our actions. The way we act is mostly modeled out of the thoughts we have built in our minds. This therefore makes it important to make a conscious effort to think right.

The Bible even forewarns us to be careful in our thoughts, and I strongly agree because it is what basically makes us.

Proverbs 4:26 – “Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways”.

Your life is extensively crafted out of your thoughts, hence the need to be very careful in your thinking. Your ability to capture your thoughts in obedience to God and His Will overthrows or conquers every impossibility and negativity that may arise in your mind.

Note that, no one (excluding God) gets to know your thoughts unless it’s spilled out for guidance or for others to influence the decision you make out of it. You therefore stand in a better position to control your thoughts and the actions that consequently follow.

“For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them.” 1Cor.2:11a

I will reiterate that God has given us our choices and so the onus lies on us to choose that which will make the reality of life pleasurable to us. Endeavor to choose to think right to enable you to act right.

May God grant us the grace and the ability to capture our thoughts and tune them on the right path for a better and successful life in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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