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Friday, April 01

Hebrews 12:5‭-‬7 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?

What is that defect or weakness that you have? What is that thing that you have been struggling with for so long a time? Whatever it is,  I want you to understand that JESUS WANTS TO CLEANSE YOU TO THE EXTENT THAT THERE WILL REMAIN NO MORE SPOT OR WRINKLE ON YOU ANY LONGER.

In fact, when God looks at you in the spirit, He sees you without blemish, without fault, and without accusation(Col 1:22). But this is your state in the spirit. Now this reality must be translated unto your soul and ultimately unto your physical body. This is what we call the process of TRANSFORMATION.

I want to ask you question:

SINCE YOU GOT BORN AGAIN, WHAT PERCENTAGE OF YOUR OLD DEFECTS AND WEAKNESSES HAS LEFT YOU? Or are you still battling with all of them and still adding more? Are you sure you are opening yourself up for Jesus to operate on you to remove the defect? Or are you dodging His chastening?

Granted, the dealings and CHASTENING of Jesus to remove the disease from your members might be painful. It’s like someone who has a tumor in the womb and the doctors have to operate on her to remove it; that procedure will be painful, but that’s exactly what she needs to be set free from that plague.

NO CHASTENING OR SURGICAL OPERATION IS SWEET, but that’s exactly what you need to be free. Don’t eschew God’s discipline if you are really a Son of God. ACCEPT AND ENDURE IT. May your weekend be blessed in Jesus Name. Shout Amen!

                GRACEFUL MORNING

44520cookie-checkFriday, April 01
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