Acts 11:29-30 Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judæa: Which also they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.
Deuteronomy 15:10 Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
To keep the infinite supplies of God continually flowing in your life, your bowels of compassion must keep flowing, your outlets of giving must not cease. The child of God who understands this is always looking for opportunity to give to others or to a worthy cause.
There are 2 kinds of reactions people give in response to a giving opportunity; and this shows whether the mindset is a rich mindset or a poor one. The 1st group see a giving opportunity as a chance to be a blessing and to increase. The poor mindset swerves the opportunity and assumes that it drains them. But true giving, when done right never drains you but helps you to receive more. Remember, LIFE IS FOR CIRCULATION, you receive to give to receive again…and on and on.
See it like a big reservoir tank which is connected to the nations water system. There is limitless water from the distribution centres but no water will be flowing into that tank if there is no outlet through which water flows out. It will be full of stagnant and stale water for long. But the moment we add some tap outlets to the tank through which water flows to the house, more fresh water will begin flowing into the tank. There will be living water everyday.
You are like that reservoir tank. Add outlets to your life where you are constantly giving to God, to the work of God, to the poor, to people in need. No matter what you are earning, you can give something to someone around you who will need it. And not only money, give your knowledge and ideas, give a helping hand, give a kind word, give a prayer. JUST GIVE. You can be a blessing with your little. And as you do, more will flow in from God’s endless supply unto you. FRIEND, DON’T BE STALE, BE A LIVING CHANNEL OF BLESSING TO YOUR WORLD. Praise God! Have a glorious weekend in Jesus name. Amen!