1 John 4:7-8
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
Let me expose the selfishness of man’s love a little bit. Take the “Storge” love for instance which is supposed to be a natural affection of parents for children. You would think this one has to be love but you will be amazed that for the natural man it’s selfish.
Have you not heard or seen parents who kill their unborn babies in abortion because it’s inconvenient for them? Whose interest are they looking at? The baby or theirs? What about those who dump the baby in drainages after birth? You think it’s natural for a parent to care for their children? I tell you it’s not. Many of us are victims of fathers or mothers who neglected caring and loving their children. And even for the parents who do take care of their children, some are for selfish reasons. Haven’t you heard a parent say, “I took care of you when you were young, so that you will take care of me when I am old”? Many of them do it for what they will get back.Is that not selfish?
When man says love, he means selfishness, even parents. Some try their best but rooted deep at the heart of what they do is some degree of self-benefit. They can’t help it. EVERYONE WHO LOVES IS BORN OF GOD AND KNOWS GOD. HE WHO DOES NOT LOVE DOES NOT KNOW GOD, FOR GOD IS LOVE.