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Monday, June 06

John 8:30‭-‬32 As he spake these words, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God

This is very interesting. As Jesus preached, some of the Jews who heard him actually believed in the message and in Him. But Jesus said to them, “You will become my TRUE DISCIPLES if you continue in my Word.” Other versions say, “If you hold to my teachings”, or “If you OBEY my teachings”.

This is the divine pathway of the salvation of every soul, AFTER BELIEVING IN CHRIST, THERE MUST BE AN OBEDIENCE OR SURRENDER TO THE WILL OF THE LORD. It is after this is done, that one becomes A TRUE DISCIPLE OF THE LORD. And do you also realise the reality of the opposite of this? If there are TRUE DISCIPLES, then there must be FALSE DISCIPLES. And who are the false disciples? Anyone who claims to believe in Jesus but is not willing to live for him and surrender to the will of Christ is false.

Jesus said to the believing Jews that, “You must follow your BELIEF in me with a SURRENDER/OBEDIENCE to my Will, else you are not true disciples.You must be ready to LIVE FOR ME if you say you believe in me.” (paraphrased).

Yes, SALVATION IS BY GRACE, but that Grace comes through FAITH – which is a wholehearted BELIEVE and SURRENDER to the will of the Lord Christ. So even though it is free, and we do nothing to attain it, yet we must believe and surrender to receive this salvation. Have you believed in Jesus Christ? And have you surrendered your life to him? And how much of your will have you REALLY surrendered? Selah!

Hallelujah to his name! Glory to God! Have a beautiful week in the beautiful name of Jesus. Amen!

                GRACEFUL MORNING

45790cookie-checkMonday, June 06
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