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Monday, September 04

James 1:5,17 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

You need to believe that,

God never made YOU to be poor and sick any more than He made any man poor and sick. God’s ultimate desire for man is prosperity and abundance. Just look

around you, doesn’t nature even teach us so? ALL OF NATURE IS BOUNTIFUL. On every hand you see profusion—in the trees, in the flowers, in the fishes, in everything that God planned and created. You will see THE LAW OF SUPPLY right there.

Infact I might even say, what is not natural is poverty, It is artificial or man-made. We created it for ourselves through our greed and the limitations of our mind. You will be amazed at some of the carefully crafted wicked schemes men put in place for their fellow men, in order to keep them impoverished and subservient. But none of those schemes are the real problem, because the moment a man realises that God created prosperity and abundance for him, and he elevates his mental state accordingly, things will start happening for him. The moment a man breaks free from the limitations of his mind, no confines or boundaries any person creates for that man will be strong enough to hold him.

This is why James declares that, ‘GOD GIVES GENEROUSLY TO ALL WITHOUT FINDING FAULT.’ That’s who God is, and that’s what He does. Sadly, many of God’s children have resigned and accepted that their lot is poverty or lack or sickness, and until you renew your mind from that state, nothing much can be done for you.

I pray for you, that the power of the Holy spirit will work mightily upon and within you. That your eyes will be enlightened to know and see the riches of the inheritance that God has for you in Christ Jesus. Poverty is not your portion. Sickness is not your portion. Receive that in  Jesus name. Amen! Have a glorious week in His name.

                 GRACEFUL MORNING

52650cookie-checkMonday, September 04
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