Have you ever felt unstable in your spiritual life? Have you ever thought, “Why is it so hard to grow my faith?” What do I do to remain constant in my spiritual growth without vacillating up and down? I want to live the victorious Christian Life but how do I do it?
How do I become more Christlike and mature into the full stature of Christ?
Do you have hard questions concerning the Bible and the Christian faith that bothers you?
Worry no more. We at theMasterbuilder want to hold your hand and help you get there. We exist to Build, Edify, Configure and Construct people, making ‘living stones’ into a habitation for our God in accordance with 1 Peter 2:5.
We are driven by true selfless Agape Love in our hearts for God and for people and this makes us labour day and night to provide you with fresh and balanced diet that will nourish you unto maturity in Christ.
We have a wide range of spiritual materials to help you on your Christian journey such as Daily Devotionals, Written publications such as blog posts, articles, books, etc, and sermons and videos that will Build your faith and present you perfect in Christ. All free of charge.
We see theMasterBUILDER becoming a hub for spiritual answers and
nourishment for all people in all languages and nations. Our devotionals,
articles and messages becoming widespread and feeding and edifying many
into maturity in Christ. Our Bible teaching studio becoming a satellite TV and
many technologies and businesses coming out of this.
Whether you are a student or a worker, whether you are young or an adult, there is nourishment for you here. Irrespective of your denomination, there is something for you from our vast library. And we pray that you will meet the real Master Builder, who is God himself, again and again and again on this platform. GOD BLESS YOU!
Our Values
Our core value is true selfless AGAPE LOVE for God and for people. And by it all the offspring of love come forth which are: joy, peace, sacrifice, kindness, generous, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. All our actions and deeds proceed from the Love of God in our hearts.