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Thursday, August 19

I Corinthians 12:20‭-‬22 But now indeed there  are many members, yet one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary.

There is no UNNECESSARY part of the body, even as there is no useless creature in the ecosystem. Every BODY PART is important in its own way, and the body is said to be healthy and efficient only when each part is functioning perfectly. So it is with the Body of Christ.

One of my sons who is a medical student in the university said to me that he is the ‘gastroepiploic foramen’ of the body of Christ. (You are forgiven for struggling to pronounce that – I also didn’t find it easy the first time). He went on to explain how in human anatomy this part of the body is like a layer that covers and protects the stomach. Take it out and the stomach is exposed to all sorts of dangers.

You will be amazed to find the surge of pain that runs through the entire body when a tiny nerve is troubled. EVERY PART IS IMPORTANT and need not be taken for granted.

How can the head say to the feet, ‘you are not important and I have no need of you’? Who will carry the head about? Why then is the Body of Christ jealous of one another and devalue one another. The fact that your denomination functions in a certain way doesn’t mean every other group is wrong and hence unimportant. You are mistaken. Remember it is God who has set the different parts in place according to their role. And it’s even worse when you find churches and believers plotting against each other to bring the other down. A BODY DIVIDED AGAINST IT’S OWN SELF…Whooosh… Tragedy.

May we awaken from this folly in Jesus name. Shalom Brethren!

              GRACEFUL MORNING

38750cookie-checkThursday, August 19
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