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Tuesday, June 14

1 Corinthians 1:29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.

Romans 3:20‭ For no person will be justified [freed of guilt and declared righteous] in His sight by [trying to do] the works of the Law. For through the Law we become conscious of sin [and the recognition of sin directs us toward repentance, but provides no remedy for sin].

Kathryn Kulman told the story of something that happened when she was a little girl. She had wanted to help her mum so one day, while her mum was away, she took all the dirty clothes and used a very strong detergent to wash them.

Excited to see how happy her mum will be when she returns, only to see disappointment on mommy’s face. Mum was sad because Kathryn had washed all the white and red and green dresses together with the strong detergent, discoloring and spoiling the dresses permanently in the process.

Little Kathryn’s intentions were good – she only wanted to help. But that her help was not helpful at all, it was destructive instead.

That’s what happens when we try to help God or help ourselves to do God’s requirement. They produce dead works which are non-pleasing to God. GRACE IS GOD COMING INTO YOU TO FULFILL HIS OWN RIGHTEOUS DEMANDS OF YOU. And when you let Him, the works you produce are LIVELY WORKS. This is how you build with GOLD in the kingdom of God – when the source of your efforts is God himself and not from yourself. Praise God! Have  a beautiful day in Jesus Name. Say Amen!

                 GRACEFUL MORNING

45940cookie-checkTuesday, June 14
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