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Wed, May 26


Matthew 24:45‭-‬47
“Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.

There are a lot of good and nice things you can do in this life, BUT IS IT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO DO? IS THAT YOUR GOD-GIVEN MINISTRY?

Beloved, understand that, NOT ALL GOOD THINGS ARE RIGHT FOR YOUTake for instance that child who was asked to do the laundry. If when his parents return he fails to do the laundry but has perfectly mobbed the living room and done the dishes, will his parents be pleased with him? Consider another scenario: If in an exam, you are asked to explain Digestion but you correctly explain the ins and outs of Photosynthesis, would you have passed the test or failed? Failed of course. Even though your description of Photosynthesis is correct, that’s not what was required of you. You were asked to explain Digestion, and that would be your marking scheme. There are a lot of people doing nice things they have not been asked to do. They have the correct answer to the wrong question, so that makes their answer wrong. A big deviation. Don’t let that be you.

What is your assignment and purpose in this life? Are you on it, or are you busy doing other good things? Ohhh, if only ‘good’ is the same as ‘right’. Your success is based solely on the Lord finding you doing what you were given to do – that’s what earns you the Crown of Righteousness. So get to work my brother/sister – and make sure you have not missed the question. Have a blessed day.


33690cookie-checkWed, May 26
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