Matthew 27:45-46 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
LOVE ACCEPTS DEFEAT – AND IN SO DOING LOVE WINS. Choosing the way of love may mean you are losing in human terms, but love accepts that defeat. Sin slew the son of man and nailed him to the cross. That cross was Satan’s symbol of victory – Satan’s rejoicing over God and over love. You can imagine the rejoicing in hell on that day when Jesus hang on that cross crying.
Satan saw Jesus made sin and God’s back turned on him. God couldn’t look any longer at his beloved and only begotten son because he had become the personification of sin. This was the greatest tragedy of all time. Satan had finally orchestrated the son of Love’s death on the cross, and because of his love for us Jesus accepted that defeat.
When you love, it might seem that you have been a fool at the present. It might seem you have losed and been defeated. But wait! Who said the story ends at death?
Always know that after the CROSS is DEATH, after death is RESURRECTION, and after resurrection is your ASCENSION, and after ascension is your ENTHRONEMENT.
Jesus’s story didnt end when he was in pain and crying, neither will yours. Don’t be disheartened, IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL YOU HAVE WON. Glooooory! Hallelujah!